BY MRS B………..When I was a kid there would be a few minutes grace before anyone took your photograph. Perky auntie Peggie would announce her intentions, everyone would quickly take turns with someone’s comb and mirror and then position themselves....
A few years ago a good chunk of my holiday photos might have been scenes to show other people I’d been somewhere worth photographing. I may have pushed my mates in front of wherever it was to show other people that I did in fact have friends too. One of them would...
As we bustled into the friend’s family bungalow on that last Cornwall holiday, our youngest, Wallop, raided the pile of familiar games. We’d stayed here since Beebee was teeny and now she was too grown up to squeeze in the car with us for six hours. Funnily enough...
Ripping Times Ripping up photos – or nowadays deleting them – is not just a thing in my family, it’s a widespread practice. I hear it from quite a few people saying they have hardly any pictures of their mum. Is it an expectation of being a middle-aged woman, fully...
James asked me about looking through old family photos as a kid with my mum and dad. An idyllic scene but I don’t recall either of them being especially bothered about family history. They never even had their wedding photo framed and displayed like other friends’...
PHOTOGRAPHERS’ RULES FOR PUBLICITY SHOTS BLAM BLAM ACTION FLICKS: tight clothes, open mouths, guns, explosions. In all cases stick their digitally buffed faces on hot body doubles. We are selling fantasy here folks, not Pint ‘n’ Pie Night night down the Dog and Duck....
Memory boxes don’t work. Only if you have a perfect memory already, uninterruptible time and fuzz-free brain beans to organise them with photographic back-up, keep them safe from a series of plumbers your landlord met down the pub, have corruption-proof storage space...
If you really want to get to grips with your camera then these basics will help. If you can study these you’re close to understanding all the basics! Aperture is the hole in a lens through which light passes through to enter the camera and the sensor. If you...
Call Something Classic… When I see a great picture of someone I often say ‘Ooh that could be your album cover.’ What could be a better compliment? I’m obsessed with music, always have been. So were my brothers (both musicians), so were most of my friends. I did...
Ding Dongs Top 5 Wedding Dos and Don’ts for the Happy Couple #1 For those likely to kneel at an altar: do not leave your shoes unattended anywhere near your brother or your dad before the ceremony. You may wonder what all the tittering is about as the congregation...