Welcome to James Bignell Photography

Beautiful photography for families, Brides and business

 Hi there! I’m so glad you’re considering me for your photography needs. I’ve been honored to win the Kodak Portraiture Award four times and the Fuji Portraiture Award four times too. My work has also been featured in Vogue and other top fashion magazines, but what really matters to me is giving you a 5-star experience from start to finish.

I’ll take care of everything—from booking the shoot, through editing and retouching, all the way to delivering the final product that you’ll absolutely love.

Even though I’m based in Kent, I work across the UK and internationally. I spend my winters working in Dubai, so if you’re abroad, just let me know, and we can figure out a budget that works for both of us.

Weekends can get booked up fast, so if you’ve got a date in mind, I’d recommend booking early. If you’re looking for the best service and top-quality images, you’re in the right place, and I can’t wait to work with you!

Feel free to reach out anytime. Let’s make something amazing together!

“We have used James on three separate occasions and have never been disappointed. His photographs are creative and the images crisp and sharp. James is very innovative with his shot choices and style. James also has the patience of a saint, he needed it when photographing our three young children. I would highly recommend James for all of your photography needs.”

“James has been our family photographer for over a decade. He has a knack with children (and adults!), putting us immediately at ease and creating a composition that captures the essence. As a result the photos he takes are second to none.”

“James Bignell is a wonderful photographer. His wealth of experience and friendly nature means that both adults and children alike feel at ease in front of the camera. This makes for great photos and enables him to capture the very essence of someone’s personality. Just have a look at his website, the pictures speak for themselves.”

Contact Me For More Information or call 07740 861342